Welcome to Mar Thoma Church in Calgary
We as a parish of the Mar Thoma church in North America, we will be a community of worship, fellowship and witness. Worship is the dedication of ourselves, families, relatives, friends, and the whole world to God. Fellowship of family, friends and neighbors is part of god’s gift of life. We as a Body of Christ, highly treasure the Holy Bible as God’s revelation of Himself and of His eternal purpose We are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, who we have personally accepted Him as our Savior. We love Him and attempt to give Him the first place in all things in our lives.
Our Ministry
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:5
Edavaka Mission

Telling other people this hope we have, and what we have experienced of God personally is a privilege available to anyone who believes in Jesus as their Lord and Savior, this is the purpose of the Voluntary Evangelists Association (Edavaka Mission), it is to witness Jesus Christ in our day-to-day life. Every member of the Marthoma church is a witness to Jesus Christ and is the member of the Edavaka Mission of the church
Sunday School

The Sunday school kids of all ages are involved actively in Church worship services for assisting and in various volunteering work. The Motto of our Sunday school Samajam is “Come to Jesus, bring every child to Jesus”. Sunday school kids actively participated in House to House Caroling as well as performed two carols and Nativity play during Christmas Carol Service
Sevika Sangham

Motivated solely by the gospel, Suvishesha Sevika Sangham aims to nurture, encourage and equip women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.
Seniors Group

We found out that one is never too old to learn and adopt new knowledge and better attitudes in life. The fact that members were supporting and strengthening each other with their prayer, concern and telephone calls were a big help to rejuvenate our morale.
Youth Group

We successfully went through another year of celebrating companionship, and adoration. This past year, we were reminded of the importance of fellowship and social connections; that through the setbacks we had due to the pandemic, weather or personal activities, our youth fellowship strongly displayed these values.
Young Family Fellowship

The goal of Young Family Fellowship is to build faith-based friendships and share in God’s Word together. Young Family Fellowship is an endeavour of the church with the objective of providing a platform for all the families of the Church to come together and contribute their mite for the church and his kingdom.
Parish Choir

Our Calgary Mar Thoma Church is blessed with a talented team of singers, masters/leaders, and other support team. Choir is an inevitable and necessary part of our church services. Every choir member is committed to attend all the services.
Area Prayers

Area prayers are held in 4 groups. Intercessory prayer is an integral part of this meeting, prayer requests and praising God for all answered prayers are included. As we have prayer needs from church members, as well a non-church members which include personal, spiritual and physical needs.
It’s all about seeing God in fellow beings
- Philipose Mar Chrysostum -
Parish Weekly Activities
Holy Communion Service
Sunday @ 9:30am
Praise & Worship
2nd & 4th Sundays @ 9:30am
Sunday School
Sundays @ 12:00pm
Youth Fellowship
Once a Month in Church
Young Family/Adults Fellowship
4th Sundays @ 12:00pm
Sevika Sangham
Thursdays @ 7:30pm (Zoom) 2nd Sundays @ 12pm (Church)
Seniors Fellowship
4th Friday @ 10:30am
Fasting Prayer
1st Tuesdays @ 7:30pm (Zoom)
Edavaka Mission Prayer
2nd Saturdays @ 7:00pm (Zoom)
Choir Practise
After Church Service
NW-1,NW-2,NE & South Prayers
Once a Month
Fridays or Saturdays
Unit#117 3825 34 St NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 6Z8
Parsonage : 403 590 1010
Rev. Joji Jacob : 403 325 1010